We’re famous! Sorta. It gotta count as something when you manage to get into a national paper. The Irish Independent ran an article on our organic beer and the need for Irish farmers to look seriously at growing hops.
When we started our brewery there were something like 30 breweries with their own equipment. Now there are over 100 and counting fast. Surely there is a market there for a commercial hop growing operation. Hops are grown in the UK with little difficulty and the climate in Ireland is just about the same (rain, sun, wind. All together. Every day.).
At the moment, all the breweries in Ireland are importing hops. We have a small amount of hops ourselves but nothing near enough to keep us in supply for a year. Hopefully soon, we’ll be hearing of Irish Hop Farms the way we are now hearing of Irish malted grain in a way that just wasn’t available before. The icing on the cake would be obtaining organic Irish hops and grains for our beers.